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P3 Science Introduction

  1. This program is designed to help students to build a strong logical reasoning and curiosity in science, as well as knowledge in P3 topics.

  2. This program focuses on understanding and application of science process skills, E.g., classifying, communicating, and evaluating. Hands on experiments or demonstration will also be used in classroom for curiosity and better understanding of science concepts.

  3. This program is designed mainly with weekly lessons. Intensive holiday program is designed to help school exam.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助孩子建立强大的科学逻辑思维,对科学的好奇心,以及小三科学知识。

  2. 课程主要讲授科学逻辑方法,比如分类,交流,探究等等。亲自动手和课堂演示实验将是上课的一部分以提升孩子对科学的兴趣以及帮助理解科学知识。

  3. 本课程设计为每周课程。


P4 Science Introduction

  1. This program is designed to help students to build a strong foundation in strong logical reasoning, curiosity, and knowledge in lower primary science.

  2. This program focuses on understanding and application of science process skills, E.g., classifying, communicating, and evaluating. Hands on experiments or demonstration will also be used in classroom for curiosity and better understanding of science concepts. CER (Claim/Conclusion-Evidence-Reasoning) structure on OEQ will also be taught for logical training and good exam result.

  3. This program is designed mainly with weekly lessons. Intensive holiday program is designed to help school exam.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助孩子建立强大的科学逻辑思维,对科学的好奇心,以及小学低年级科学知识。

  2. 课程主要讲授科学逻辑方法,比如分类,交流,和探究等。亲自动手和课堂演示实验将是上课的一部分以提升孩子对科学的兴趣以及帮助理解科学知识。课程也会讲授回答开放题型所需要的CER 结构以强化逻辑思维训练以及考试取得好成绩。

  3. 本课程设计为每周课程,辅助以假期集训课程,用以帮助基础薄弱的孩子应付学校考试。

P5 Science Introduction

  1. This program is designed to help students to build a strong foundation in science to achieve AL1 in P5 SA2 exam and further study in P6. 

  2. This program focuses on understanding of the science concept and application of such concepts in real life study. Hands on experiments or demonstration will also be used in classroom for better understand of science concepts. Elimination skills on MCQ and CER (Claim/Conclusion-Evidence-Reasoning) structure on OEQ will also be taught for logical training and good exam result.

  3. This program is designed mainly with weekly lessons and supported by weekly remedial lessons for weak students. Intensive holiday program is designed to help school exam.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助孩子建立强大的科学知识基础从而在年尾SA2考获 AL1好成绩,以及后续小六科学的学习。

  2. 课程通过知识的理解以及知识在日常生活中的应用强化基础。亲自动手和课堂演示实验将是上课的一部分以帮助理解科学知识。课程也会讲授回答MCQ 的排除法以及开放式题型所需要的CER 结构以强化逻辑思维训练以及考试取得好成绩。

  3. 本课程设计为每周课程,辅助于基础薄弱孩子的每周额外补课,以及假期集训课程以帮助复习考试。

P6 Science

  1. This program is designed to help students to achieve AL1 in PSLE Science.

  2. This program is to enhance understanding of the science concept through classroom lecture and application of real-life study. Hands on experiments or demonstration will also be used for better understanding of science concepts and clarifying of misconception. Elimination skills on MCQ and CER (Claim/Conclusion-Evidence-Reasoning) structure on OEQ will also be taught for logical training and good exam result. Experimental setup and some higher-level physics will also be taught to clarify some misconception and adapt to some questions out of syllabus.

  3. This program is designed mainly with weekly lessons and supported by intensive holiday program and remedial lessons.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助孩子建立强大的科学知识基础从而在PSLE考获 AL1好成绩。

  2. 课程通过课堂讲授以及日常生活中的应用来加深对知识的理解和强化知识基础。亲自动手和课堂演示实验将是上课的一部分以帮助理解科学知识以及澄清一些普遍存在的错误概念。课程也会讲授回答MCQ 的排除法以及开放题型所需要的CER 结构以强化逻辑思维训练以及取得好成绩。本课程也包括实验设计和某些高级物理知识以帮助孩子理解小学科学中的一些错误概念以及应对教学纲要之外的难题。

  3. 本课程设计为每周课程,辅助于基础薄弱孩子的每周额外补课,以及假期集训课程以帮助复习考试。

S1-2 Science (Exp)

  1. This program is designed to help students in express stream to build up strong foundation in science for school exam and Year 3-4 study.

  2. Students will be taught topics in syllabus, mainly focus on application of knowledge and summarization skills to improve ability for self-study.

  3. This program is designed mainly with weekly lessons.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助快捷班学生建立强大的科学知识基础以应对学校考试以及后续三年级和四年级的学习。

  2. 本课程讲授章节知识,重点是强化知识基础以及提升小结知识的能力以提升自学能力。

  3. 本课程设计为每周课程。

Fishing Boat

S1-2 Science (IP)

  1. This program is designed to help students in IP school to build up strong foundation in science for the Year 3-4 study.

  2. Students will be taught selective typical and challenging topics in syllabus, mainly focus on application of knowledge and summarization skills.

  3. The program is conducted with intensive revision program only in holidays.  

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助直通车学生建立强大的科学知识基础以应对学校考试以及后续三年级和四年级的学习。

  2. 本课程选择讲授具典型知识或者具挑战性的章节知识,重点是强化知识基础以及提升小结知识的能力以提升自学能力。

  3. 直通车学生平时学习忙,而学习能力相对较强,本课程设计为假期集训课程。

S3-4 Physics (Exp)

  1. This program is designed to help students in express stream to get A in O-level exam.

  2. Students will be taught (1) topics in syllabus, mainly focus on application of knowledge, (2) GM 3-step problem solving process, and (3) summarization skills.

  3. This program is conducted with weekly lecture, and intensive revision program in holidays.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助快捷班学生建立强大的科学知识基础以获取O 水准成绩A。

  2. 本课程讲授(1)章节知识,(2) GM三步法解题步骤,以及(3)小结技巧。

  3. 本课程设计为每周课程, 以及假期集训课程以帮助复习考试。

Floating in the Sea

S3-4 Physics (IP)

  1. This program is designed to help students in IP school to build up strong foundation in Physics for JC study as well as getting A in school exam.

  2. Students will be taught (1) topics in syllabus, mainly focus on application of knowledge, (2) GM 3-step problem solving process, and (3) summarization skills.

  3. The program is conducted with intensive revision program only in holidays.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助直通车学生建立强大的科学知识基础以获取学校成绩A以及后续JC的学习。

  2. 本课程讲授(1)章节知识,(2) GM三步法解题步骤,以及(3)小结技巧。

  3. 直通车学生平时学习忙,而学习能力相对较强,本课程设计为假期集训课程。

S3-4 Chemistry (Exp)

  1. This program is designed to help students in express stream to get A in O-level exam.

  2. Students will be taught (1) topics in syllabus, mainly focus on application of knowledge and experiment, and (2) summarization skills.

  3. This program is conducted with weekly lecture, and intensive revision program in holidays.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助快捷班学生建立强大的科学知识基础以获取O 水准成绩A。

  2. 本课程讲授(1)章节知识,以及(2)小结技巧。

  3. 本课程设计为每周课程, 以及假期集训课程以帮助复习考试。

S3-4 Chemistry (IP)

  1. This program is designed to help students in IP school to build up strong foundation in Chem for JC study as well as getting A in school exam.

  2. Students will be taught (1) topics in syllabus, mainly focus on application of knowledge and experiment, and (2) summarization skills.

  3. The program is conducted with intensive revision program only in holidays.

  1. 本课程的目标是帮助直通车学生建立强大的科学知识基础以获取学校成绩A以及后续JC的学习。

  2. 本课程讲授(1)章节知识,以及(2)小结技巧。

  3. 直通车学生平时学习忙,而学习能力相对较强,本课程设计为假期集训课程。

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